Venus - Solar System First Habitable Planet
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Have you ever ask yourself if there are some planet or place like earth in universe. Scientist might say - probably yes they are. but, it still not proven at this time. so you keep dreaming fantasists. but today, I am gonna tell you about by scientists study, the first habitable planet in the solar system. so, may be after watching this video some of you think that the Earth is the only one plant with life, could start dreaming again.
My name is Ujjawal today we are moving through out the time I hope you do not miss anything cause we going to start right now. so you may ask there so what special about this Venus. we are Earth people so we do not need to think about anybody else except on planet Earth and I say such people go to bed looser it's time to sleep for you or it's time for science.
For starters, I say what venus is and why this planet is so special for us. The scientist were discovering this planet a long time ago. but the essential information was revealed some year ago in 2017. to be sure in terms of this information Venus was the solar system first habitable planet.
Planet Venus is one of the four terrestrial planets in the solar system. so, it is a rocky body like a Earth. the size and mass of Venus is quite similar to earth. scientist like to describe it as earth sister or even twin. The diameter of Venus is about 12103 .6km thats only 638km less than earth. Earth is more massive then Venus by its Mass. Venus is 81.5% of earth.
let's try to imagine like we have got the chance to travel the solar system. what planet would you choose. I don't want to pretend like you have to write to choose. so well, of course you choose venus. if you are able to get on the Surface of Venus you die in a second you stepped foot on it. you know it could be hard to be on every Planet with average temperature about 462 degree Celsius. so, your journey probably will end up by choking or burning to death. well I must admit this planet is hot if I was scientists. I would say about the Venus atmosphere that mostly compress of carbon dioxide with its thick clouds that consists of sulphuric acid and Sulphur Dioxide.
Venus Atmosphere
The venus atmospheric pressure is 92 times bigger than that of earth. it's like you dive into the ocean at the depth of 1 km. but, there are some rumours that theoretically Venus might once have looked like the earth. Now it is a terrible future of our planet but we won't live to that so we are free out of responsibilities.but don't think it will happen in a far future. it can be tomorrow morning just at the moment.The guy from NASA think that surface temperature on Venus was similar to those on earth. But frankly they also say it was 3 billion years ago. so we didn't see it at all.
the guy who might see it only could be our first ancestors like a microorganism.but they did not have this this things( like telescope). but it is possible to say that Venus had number of shallow Ocean eventually due to it proxmity to the sun Venus was stripped of its water through evaportion. the resulting hydrogen ended up in space in terms of this hydrogen trapped carbon dioxide to the greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse effectwhen the amount of gases in the atmosphere start to increase and they cause the gradually warming of the surface of the earth. such transformation are really toxic and a hellish atmosphere that Venus was today.
This all long speech means that Venus might have easily supported by any existence of biological organism.Now, it's certainly more likely that life once existed on Venus rather than Mars. Mars was lifeless code for a majority of time despite the early Venus is leaving which life was really habitable. I know that some of you cannot live with the fact that they were originally from earth. So, they just want to be believe their ancestors living in other planet's a long-long time ago.
Also Read : Scientists created their own mini sun Inside small vacuum chamber.
Why do you hate earth so much that what is wrong with you guys. the thing is that people relate to venus with our first home. because, how it's already said venus probably was quite good place for being habitable. because of that scientists prefer to think that such organisms like nimotodes or Tardigrades could have been inheritors of very small multicellular organisms. If they really inhabited venus they could have probably hitched a ride over to another planet and what do you think was the planet so welcoming to accept such organisms and evolved their into people. I think the answer is well know the problem of proving that. the theory is that we can't be close there and investigate the ancestors of venus life. because as was said the moment we step foot on venus we will be death. it's bad for population. so, don't do it even if you can. but you must admit that having this dreams that we are originated from other planets can warm or imagination the following many years.
but one day scientists could open that mystery box and get all answer. so, while we can do is just wait for the answer but have to well versed.
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